Free Downloadable Potty Training Chart!

Last year Jacinda created all the gorgeous free downloads to make this awesome DIY Potty Training Chart. Well, last weekend it was my turn. Girlie has been begging for undies for a while so I figured it was now or never. We went all-out for “Potty Party” with a bunch of potty DVDs (omg, have you guys seen “Go Potty Go“? oh you have? one million times? me too) and our own matryoshka and glitter version of the sticker chart. It was a huge hit! See how many stickers she earned?!

One long weekend at home and she’s now permanently in undies all day. Is it all due to the chart?  Could be. Get all the free downloads to create your own “Potty Party” Potty Training Chart here!



Diana Smith

Your blog is so so so cute. I get so much inspiration from it. I found you through Making it Lovely. Keep up your posts because they are coveted!! đŸ™‚


And yet here we sit still in diapers, our chart abandoned with three stickers in the bathroom corner. At this point the baby will beat her to it. We might need you to send us that video when your finished with it.


Yes, wish my son would embrace it like Scarlett. I just checked out a video about pottying from the library today for some renewed inspiration. He likes getting stickers on his chart, but they haven't really motiviated him. You are a very lucky woman!


i just wanted to admit that things are not going as swimmingly as they were when i wrote this post a week ago. but she still really likes the chart. as she stands here in her wet undies.


this makes me wonder what kind of underwear matryoshka dolls wear- does it have leg holes? or would it just be like one of those fabric elasticized bowl covers turned over snug on their russian bums?


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