Letterboxing and Lost In Oz

This post is in partnership with Amazon Kids.

IMG_3103 When Amazon Kids asked us to come up with a fun project to share for the debut of their new Original series, Lost in Oz, now available on Prime Video, my mind went straight to our recently discovered passion for letterboxing. Are you letterboxing? You need to be letterboxing! It’s so much fun and it’s the perfect hobby for kids who are adventurous problem solvers just like Dorothy.

IMG_3132When Dorothy finds her mother’s magic travel journal, she is transported to Oz. In order to return home, she must find every element on Oz’s Periodic Table of Magic. Check it out…

Dorothy’s story reminds me of the adventures we have had letterboxing this summer. Letterboxing has been around for almost 20 years but somehow I’ve managed to miss out on all the fun until now. If you loved the rock painting/hiding/finding craze that took over this year, then this takes that to the next level.

Basically you use clues to search for hidden weatherproof boxes containing special rubber stamps. Once you find one, you add a stamp to your own letterbox journal to grow your collection. It’s the perfect way to get active and “search for magic” in your own world.


Here’s How to Go Letterboxing


  • A set of clues
  • A journal or sketchbook
  • A stamp pad or stamp marker
  • Your own personal rubber stamp (store bought or handmade)
  • a pen or pencil
  • Compass (optional, there is probably one on your smartphone)

Step 1: Visit LBNA or AtlasQuest to create an account and/or search for a set of clues close to your location. For your first adventure, look for a letterbox that has been recently found. Early success will keep your lil adventurers wanting more. You can read your clues straight from your phone or print out copies before you leave the house.


Step 2: Follow the clues to find the letterbox. Always be careful of your surroundings, paying special attention to watch for cyclists, rugged terrain and water, and wildlife.


Step 2b: You can always take a break and watch an episode of Lost in Oz on Amazon Video, a premium on-demand entertainment service that offers families the greatest choice in what to watch, and how to watch it.

Follow the magical adventures of Dorothy and Toto as they find themselves lost in the spectacular and peculiar land of Oz  They will be joined by new friends and will face unexpected enemies in this fun, exciting and modern take on a beloved classic


Tip: We have also learned to wear good shoes for our adventures.

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Step 3: As you get close to the hiding spot, try to be stealthy and don’t draw attention to the letterbox. You want the box to stay safe in its hiding spot for years to come.


IMG_3151Step 4: If you are lucky enough to find a letterbox. Carefully explore the contents. Remove the rubber stamp from the box and press a stamp into your letterboxing journal.

Note: This handmade cassette tape stamp was carved into a pink erasure by a local Girl Scout troop.


Step 5: If there is a journal in the box, add your own stamp and a note to the journal.

IMG_3155Step 6:  Letterbox “hiders” love to get updates on their boxes. Use the online community where you found the clues to make a note that you found the box or to update the condition of the box.     IMG_3131 IMG_3133       IMG_3156   LostInOz-KeyArt1

Lost In Oz is available to stream exclusively for Prime members via the Amazon Prime Video app. One of the many great perks of being a Prime member is that your family can also download the series to mobile devices for offline viewing at no additional cost! Browse other Amazon Original Kids Series here.




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