Prudent MaMas Together Again!

Jacinda’s back here in LA with me!  And she brought beautiful baby Quinn!  There they are on my couch reading a story to Scarlet! Yay! We will be scheming and plotting and neglecting the blog for a few days while we catch up (and throw a Prudent Party), but we’ll see you next week!
Jaime & Jacinda


Kelly’s Sweet & Simple Snowball Pillow Tutorial

Super-stylish Kelly from Yes, Please and SucculentLOVE (whose stunning wedding was just featured in The Knot magazine this month!) sent over this great pillow DIY for a basic envelope pillow cover.  It’s a great sewing craft to know how to do, and a quick way to decorate for the holidays.  Click on over to Kelly’s blog to get the step-by-step DIY!


Handmade Hanukkah!

Introducing Handmade Hanukkah!  Your definitive resource for prudent crafts of holiday goodness.  Stay tuned as we teach you how to decorate the house for the holiday, cook all the best traditional treats, and hand-make little gifts for each of the eight days…or how to prudently purchase charming gifts of 8 for the jews in your life.

XOXO, your crafty Jewish friend,
