Link Love

Fall is here and Christmas is just around the corner. Time to start making those garlands.

Try decorating a pumpkin this year instead of carving one. The owl and lace pumpkins are my personal favorites.

Add some color to those spoons.

I’m a little Peacock short and cute. Here is a sock monkey and here is a Shrute. For a collection of costume tutorials check out our Pinterest Dress Up/ Costume board.

Finally I can learn how to make this delicious spread instead of buying it every week.

I can honestly say, asparagus cake never sounded so delicious.

Flowers can cost so much. Why not just use fabric at your wedding?

OMGparents, the new kind of godparent.

The manliest baby shower I have ever seen.

Bananas, Butter and Booze
: Recipe for scrumptious coffee cake.

Have you ever found yourself eating in your sleep? I ate nine Oreos in my sleep and woke up with crumbs all over the pillow. Join our Facebook conversation and share your dream-eating stories with us. Maybe next time I can try to at least eat a fresh, organic salad.

Learn how to make a balance bike out of your own bike at home.

Lori sells such beautiful lockets and through Poppytalk get free shipping.

The latest on Babble…

What does a garden gnome, Robocop and a hot air balloon all have in common?
25 Free DIY Chevron projects to get that Missoni look.
Nobody puts baby in a corner. Or do they?
Finally, a lunch pot that both kid and parent can use. No more having to take a tattered grocery bag or Littlest Pet Shop lunch pail to work.
Crafting on the go. I am now on the hunt for the perfect, vintage suitcase.
A pleasant surprise is in store for you.
Yo ho, yo ho! A pirates life for me. Don’t forget to mark those calendars for September 19th.
Most of us have at least heard of the TLC show Outrageous Kid Parties where families spend up to thousands of dollars on parties for their kids. Well, what if you were able to create an outrageously adorable kids party by spending a total of $0.
Affordable, high fashion looks for those with a bun in the oven.


Missoni: 25 FREE DIY’s to Get the Look

Did you get to Target on Tuesday only to find the shelves cleared? Or did you get caught up in the spinning wheel of internet waiting? Well lucky for us the internet is full of FREE tutorials to steal the iconic look of zig-zaggy chevron. Add an unexpected combination of bright colors to give the classic bold chevron a Missoni-esque twist! See all 25 FREE chevron projects here.


Make Your Own Hair Clip Board

Does your little girl have a plethora of hair clips that get lost or scattered all over the place? I have found hair clips in my pillowcase, behind the toilet, in the refrigerator, and once in our dog’s food bowl. I need a hair clip organization solution. So, today we are going to turn this storage problem into something pretty by showing you how to make a framed hair clip board with lovely fabric. Now those clips will also be a work of art of sorts. And you could also use your board to display photos, cards, or maybe even earrings?

Colleen from Thumpkin (so cute, check it out) whipped up this beauty and is going to show us how to make a hair clip board after the jump…


20 Rainbow-riffic Party Ideas!

This weekend on facebook I showed you how we saw a double rainbow in our backyard. You asked, but what does it MEAN? Ha, I’m not sure but it certainly was beautiful and it got me thinking about the rainbow trend in kids’ parties. I pulled together 20 adorable and creative ideas for rainbow themed activities and decor for kids’ birthday parties. Take a look at these 20 Colorful Ideas for Kids’ Birthday Parties.


Simple Hot Mess Mommy Cardi Tutorial

Jessica from Sew Homegrown is here to share her DIY for a Hot Mess Mommy Cardi. How cute does she look? Isn’t this perfect to dress up a t-shirt and jeans as the weather cools off? So grab that pretty voile or rayon you’ve been saving and get to work. Take it away Jessica…

Hey Prudent Baby readers!  It’s always a pleasure to visit here and share a tutorial. Today I have a simple and quick cardi you can whip up in no time.  I left the front open and flowy, so that means no buttons or snaps or anything. Easy right? Let’s get started!


How to Can Tomatoes (Without A Canner)

Have you wondered about canning tomatoes, but then been overwhelmed by all the stuff it seems to require and crazy little details you are worried you might get wrong? I feel you. Please allow me to show you how to can tomatoes, without a canner, in the simplest way possible.
Image of How to Can Tomatoes
So maybe you have a garden full of these babies…

Or maybe not. Either way, I would like you to give canning some fresh tomatoes a try this year, so let me show you how to can tomatoes. Because it’s easy and so very rewarding, but mostly because everyone knows that out-of-season tomatoes (while still full of healthy lycopene and therefore worthwhile to eat) are bland, sad, oddly-textured shadows of their ripe summer selves. Industrial tomatoes in general have almost no similarity to a fresh tomato in texture, flavor, and even appearance. Look at these guys from my backyard – they’re soft and lumpy, with lots of funny crags and edges and places I cut off because a worm was in there. My husband even asked me “what’s wrong with them?” Dude, this is what a real tomato looks like!

A tomato like this doesn’t make it to the store, simply because we don’t buy it – we choose an unblemished veggie every time (myself included, it’s just habit), so we end up with a tomato that has made it through a cross country truck ride without a bruise – that’s a hard tomato! It may surprise you to know that tomato was usually picked while still green, then artifically ripened with ethylene gas. Eew! Oh geez, I could go on, I’ll stop, I just find it so interesting. Anyway, I totally buy these tomatoes too, but this year let’s try something new. If you don’t have a plant, you can still go to the farmers market or co-op or organic food store and gather some fresh summer tomatoes and put them away for a rainy or snowy day. Let’s learn how to can tomatoes so we are fortified for winter deliciousness.

Learning how to can tomatoes is a wonderful first canning project as it’s simple and it doesn’t require a pressure canner or even a water bath canner. Let me show you how to can tomatoes without a canner below. If you’re looking for something to make right now with your fresh tomatoes, check this out: How to Make Tomato Soup from Fresh Tomatoes. So easy, so yummy. Let’s move on to canning tomatoes…



Link Love

I want to recreate this adorable and unique birthday idea.

30% off all Silhouette products until September 13th.

Time to make something for yourself now, Mamas.

Learn how to make a polka-dot-cake.

Two weeks of projects inspired by games. There are so many games to choose from. I cannot wait to see what they come up with.

Ohio’s Win a Baby Contest. Enough said.

I never knew you could be so creative with this easy on-the-go snack. This mom makes pirates, umbrellas and even something for all those Angry Birds fans.

While you are surfing the internet today (because of course your kids are sitting quietly reading after your 2 year old has just made them all a snack) don’t forget to stop by Twitter and add us for Prudent Baby updates.

Although summer is coming to a close, I could not help but fall in love with this 9-12 month vintage bathing suit. I just wish it came in my size too.

Wonderfully easy and perfect for Fall project.

Instead of buying more plastic boxes why not add some extra closet space with a hint of nature?

Halloween is just around the corner and we all know the little ones are going to want to live in their costumes. Here is a nice every day alternative that is a lot easier than putting on a princess dress or a dragon suit every morning.

Let’s hear it from the Dads. First, childbirth. Second, hypo-kid-dria. What will be next?

Those baby wipes and their plastic white container are going to be around a little while longer. Try using this tutorial to give it a chic makeover.

We all know we can’t be clean all the time. Stop by our Facebook to tell us about those scary, messy, craft/sewing spaces and then email us those disastrous pictures. We will be brainstorming a project to do with all of them.

Children of 9/11 speak. Even the short write-up brought tears to my eyes.

Everyday we’re Babblin’…

So many great ideas for Rainbow themed birthdays.
Time to start looking for those football party projects.
It’s almost time to get started on making those Halloween costumes.
H&M is finally online. Start shopping.
